Bögar med makt
Skickade i går in min kandidatuppsats i statsvetenskap. Jag skrev om hur bögar i det politiska toppskiktet ser på representation, i förhållande till svensk partipolitik och grupprepresentation. Och lite mer därtill. Här är ett "abstract" på min text.
Abstract (Gays of Power)
The aim of this composition is to present and analyze male homosexual politicians’ views of their political task, to see who they represent in connection to Swedish party politics and group representation. The cause for this work is the non-existing previous research on this matter in Sweden, and the differences that might occur between gay men and for example women, where research has been broad. The theory, on which this essay is partly constructed and analyzed, is representation ideas from various contributors, among them Anne Phillips and her work on The Politics of Presence. The method through which this will be answered is interview based, with an inductive approach, and the material being analyzed with help from the theory chapter.
The essay is based on five interviews with openly gay politicians from five Swedish parties, which have all been conducted by me.
The analysis show how the gay politicians follow the logic which implicitly rules Swedish politics, politics of ideas, while all of the politicians mention the value of experiences to different extent. The more liberal of the politicians tend to stress ideas more than experience, and that politics may not be only about the interests of a certain group. This while the more socialistic politicians have a different rhetoric when it comes to experience, saying how it makes decisions easier to make and how it provides them with legitimate suggestions for political change.
This all while also bringing forward the attitudes against gays in politics, and the heteronormativity which is perceivable still yet, and even in the top politics of Sweden.
Key words: Political representation, queer politics, the politics of presence, political attitude, gay, homosexuality
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